Responsibilities and Arrangements of



Open Mike Productions Ltd

3rd Floor

Hammer House

113 – 117 Wardour St







Date of Policy / Revision



Revised    03/07/2015


Revised   11/07/2019





























1.0     General Policy Statement 5

2.0     Roles & Responsibilities_ 6

2.1    Managing Director 6

2.2    Head of Production_ 7

2.3    Office Manager 8

2.4    Company Safety Advisor 8

2.5    Producer 9

2.6    Line Producer and/or Production Manager 10

2.7    Production Coordinator 11

2.8    Location Manager 12

2.9    Director (Production) 12

2.10   First Assistant Director 13

2.11   Production Designer 14

2.12   Floor Manager 14

2.13   Audience Coordinator 15

2.14   Production Electrician (Gaffer) 16

2.15   All Employees_ 16

2.16   All Self – Employed Persons_ 17

2.17   Contractors_ 17

3.0     H&S Structure chart 19

4.0     Health and Safety Management Arrangements 20

4.1    Accident, Near Miss Investigation & RIDDOR Reporting_ 20

4.2    Arrangements for Planning and Implementing Policy_ 22

4.2.1         Strategic Planning_ 22

4.2.2         Production Planning_ 22

4.3    Communication_ 22

4.4    Competence_ 23

4.4.1         Capabilities and Training_ 23

4.5    Co-Operation and Consultation_ 24

4.6    Disciplinary Procedure_ 25

4.7    Document and Data Management 25

4.7.1         Health and Safety Documentation Storage Limitation_ 25

4.8    Health Surveillance and Promotion_ 26

4.9    Insurance_ 26

4.10   Monitoring_ 26

4.11   Review_ 26

4.12   Risk Assessment 27

4.13   Supervision_ 27

5.0     A-Z of Hazards and Risk Control Measures 28

5.1    Alcohol 28

5.2    Animals_ 28

Licence Conditions_ 29

5.3    Asbestos_ 29

5.4    Audiences / Public_ 31

5.5    Catering & Food Hygiene_ 31

5.6    Children_ 31

5.7    COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) 32

5.8    Confined Spaces_ 33

5.9    Construction Design and Management 33

5.10   Contractor Management 35

5.11   Dangerous Machinery_ 36

5.12   Disabilities_ 36

5.13   Display Screen Equipment 36

5.14   Driving_ 37

5.15   Drones_ 37

5.16   Drugs_ 39

5.17   Electrical Safety_ 40

5.18   Emergency Procedures_ 41

5.19   Fatigue_ 41

5.20   Fire_ 41

5.20.1        Fire - Office Premises_ 41

5.20.2        Fire – Production_ 42

5.20.3        Fire – Lithium Batteries_ 42

5.20.4        Fire Wardens_ 42

5.21   First Aid_ 42

5.22   Flying_ 44

5.23   Gas Safety_ 45

5.24   Heights_ 45

5.25   Home Working_ 46

5.26   Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment (LOLER) 46

5.27   Lighting Grids_ 46

5.28   Locations_ 47

5.29   Lone Working_ 47

5.30   Manual Handling_ 47

5.31   Night Work_ 47

5.32   Noise_ 47

5.33   Office_ 47

5.34   Overseas_ 48

5.35   Permit-To-Work_ 48

5.36   Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 48

5.37   Pregnant Workers_ 49

5.38   Pressure Systems_ 49

5.39   Props and Practicals_ 49

5.40   Radiation_ 49

5.41   Rehabilitation_ 50

5.42   Road Safety_ 50

5.43   Scaffolding_ 50

5.44   Security_ 50

5.45   Self-Operating Directors_ 50

5.46   Smoking_ 52

5.47   Special and Visual Effects_ 53

5.48   Stress and Mental Health_ 53

5.49   Stunts_ 54

5.50   Studios_ 54

5.51   Violence_ 54

5.52   Visitors_ 55

5.53   Weapons_ 55

5.54   Work Equipment 55

5.55   Water Management - Legionella_ 56

5.55.1        Water – Filming On_ 57

5.56   Welfare / Work Environment 57

5.57   Young Persons_ 57

6.0     Annex 1 – health & safety production plan checklist 58

7.0     Annex 2 – General Risk Assessment Guideline_ 59


1.0         General Policy Statement


Open Mike Productions Ltd (the Company) recognises its health and safety duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and all related health and safety legislation. To this end the Company has appointed and nominated the Managing Director, to be responsible for health and safety. The Managing Director will periodically review arrangements for managing for health and safety in light of any organisational changes and liaise with the appointed Safety Advisor wherever necessary. This will keep the Company updated on any new relevant legislation and will ensure complete compliance with our legal obligations.


In recognition of its duties to report serious accidents, incidents and occupational diseases the Company has instituted a system for notifying the Enforcing Authorities as appropriate. This supplements the statutory duty to keep records and an Accident Book (loose leaf forms) that are available for inspection by an Enforcement Officer.


Specifically, compliance with all health and safety legislation means that the Company will:


·       Provide and maintain a safe place of work, a safe system of work, safe appliances for work and a safe and healthy working environment.

·       Provide clear instructions and information, and adequate training, to ensure employees are competent to do their work

·       Ensure safety and the absence of health risks in conjunction with the use, handling, storage and transportation of articles and substances.

·       Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health by managing the health and safety risks in the workplace through the progressive identification and assessment of risks, and their elimination or control

·       Provide employees with health surveillance where necessary.

·       Appoint competent personnel to ensure compliance with statutory duties.

·       Engage and consult with employees on day-to-day health and safety conditions

·       Prominently display the Certificate of Employer’s liability that covers employees for any death, injury or disease arising from their employment with the Company.


All workers employed by the Company are required to comply with and co-operate with the Company in its statutory duties.  Failure to comply with health and safety duties, regulations, work rules and procedures may lead to dismissal from employment.


We expect all our workers and others affected by our undertakings to respect and adhere to this policy document.







Andrew Beint Managing Director

















2.0         Roles & Responsibilities


The responsibilities for all staff that perform health and safety duties are defined below.  Every person performing a task is responsible for ensuring that it is carried out in accordance with the documented safe practices and procedures.


It is the responsibility of every member of management to ensure that the safety management system is being implemented in their work area.


2.1  Managing Director


The Managing Director has overall responsibility including development oversight and implementation of the safety management system and works in partnership with The Safety Business Ltd (the Safety Advisors).



To initiate the Company Safety Policy for the prevention of injury and damage, to decide what the priorities are and identify the biggest risks to address to reduce accidents and work related ill health.


To know the requirements of the relevant legislation and ensure they are observed whilst carrying out Company activities.


To ensure that all employees receive adequate and appropriate training to enable them to carry out their work safely.


To initiate proper reporting procedures in event of injury, damage and loss. Promote action to preclude re-occurrences.


Where, reasonably practicable, to analyse accident / incident trends.


To discipline any employee (including operatives (direct labour) and sub-contractors) failing to discharge satisfactorily their responsibilities regarding health and safety.


To encourage the distribution of relevant safety information to all persons concerned and promote communication of issues throughout the company.


To ensure that sufficient funds and facilities are made available to meet requirements of Company Safety Policy.


To promote and maintain the Company’s on-going determination to improve its safety performance in Health, Safety and Welfare and to challenge unsafe behaviour in a timely way.


To ensure Health and Safety is discussed and points actioned at executive level.

















2.2  Head of Production


The Head of Production is responsible for implementing and enforcing the Health and Safety Policy and associated arrangements at production level.  



To Implement this Policy  as it relate to Productions


Give routine and on- going feedback on production related health and safety to the Managing Director  and bringing to their immediate attention notified shortfalls that have a corporate interest.


Act as a point of contact for and monitor Producers, Production Managers on production safety related issues.


Ensure that Producers and Production Managers have a complete health and safety induction and understand their health and safety contractual responsibilities.


Carry out visits to production sites to check and monitor health and safety performance as necessary and appropriate.


Ensure that Producers and Production Managers etc.

·       Prepare and maintain a health and safety file (online record) relevant to their production that includes risk assessments and other records as necessary so they can be easily retrieved

·       Have access to health and safety guidelines where available to the Company

·       Have access to PACT pre-vetted contractor list

·       Have an arrangement in place to contact their teams in event of emergency

·       Notified of the contact details of the appointed Health and Safety Advisor


To know the broad requirements of relevant Safety Regulations and Codes of Practice.


Maintain contact and dialogue with the Health and Safety Advisor.


Identify production crew capability and training skill and knowledge as part of contractor management arrangements and by using a variety of sources including the Safety Advisor and professional trade body organisations for example:




Investigate accidents incidents and damage to property plant and equipment in conjunction with the Producer and with assistance from the Safety Advisor as appropriate to production related accident and incidents


To request additional funds and resources from the Managing Director as necessary e.g. in an emergency situation.


To arrange a debrief post-production review meeting with Producers to identify ways to make improvements.









2.3   Office Manager


The Office Manager is responsible for administrating office related Health and Safety policy and enforcing the policies at office and induction level.



To Implement this Policy as it relates to  the Office


To know the broad requirements of relevant Safety Regulations and Codes of Practice and seek advice from the appointed Health and Safety Advisor where necessary


To arrange the storage of materials to avoid any possible hazards


To check all office equipment is in good condition and a portable appliance test are carried out and a register is maintained


To make sure protective clothing is available and is worn properly


To ensure first aid cover and emergency equipment is available in the office and make routine check of the content of the First Aid Kit


To liaise with company management and employees in order to maintain office related safe working methods


To ensure that the office workplace is well organised and tidy and routine inspections are carried out


To report and investigate office related accidents and incidents in line with the company procedures and legal requirements as they relate to the office and to the Health and Safety Advisor as appropriate


Identify office contractor capability and training skill and knowledge as part of contractor management arrangements and by using a variety of sources including the Safety Advisor and professional trade body organisations e.g. Gas Safe Register,


To monitor office sub-contractors adhere to their health and safety obligations when working in the office and provide risk related information in advance of work e.g. Asbestos Register, Fire Evacuation etc


To inform their immediate supervisor if for any reason they are unable to fulfil the above responsibilities


Ensure each new starter is thoroughly inducted and issued with and understands the company’s policy manual, safe systems of work and site rules as appropriate


Ensure display screen assessments are completed and actions implemented for office display screen users


Maintain contact and dialogue with the Health and Safety Advisor.


To organise arrange deliver training (induction / other) as necessary for office based personnel.


To make routine inspections of the office and take action to rectify shortfalls


To oversee PAT testing for office equipment and retain the register.


2.4  Company Safety Advisor


The Safety Business Ltd has been appointed by the Company as the retained service to provide the competent advice guidance and support


The Safety Business Ltd Suite 5, 46 Crawford Street Marylebone London W1H 1JU

Tel 0207 724 4038 Email



To assist company management tasked with the implementation of the safety management system with the updating and identification of relevant Health and Safety regulations.


To discuss with the Company Management methods of preventing injury to any persons connected with the company and possible improvements in existing working methods that may affect health, safety and welfare.


To comply with the terms of the Contract in the provision of Health and Safety Services.


To recommend and supply, as required, appropriate training.


To act as competent person in accordance with The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 offering competent advice, support and guidance.


To investigate, as required, accidents, incidents and near misses where appointed to do so.


To advise, as required, on health and safety matters regarding Production and Office Related Risk including contractor management.


To accompany Health and Safety Executive (HSE) / Enforcement Inspectors, as required, on any visits and arrange compliance with all recommendations made by them.


To assist with monitoring the safety management system in the office and at production level.


2.5  Producer


The Producer has responsibility for the safe operation of the production and takes any Executive decisions required. On a day-to-day basis this task may be delegated to the Line Producer and / or Production Manager, and help obtained from the Safety Advisor. However, the Producer will always have overall responsibility for the health and safety of the production as a whole.


The Producer must ensure that Open Mike Productions Ltd Health and Safety Policy and the Production Health and Safety Plan (See Health and Safety Production Plan Checklist – Annex 1) are properly implemented. Ensure that people given delegated responsibilities are competent to carry them out. The holding of relevant qualifications or attendance at relevant training courses may determine competence.



Ensure that health and safety requirements are incorporated into the budget and that sufficient resources are supplied for its management.


Implement the Production Health and Safety Plan Checklist and monitor this.


Ensure that health and safety is a key subject discussed at all relevant production meetings (particularly during pre-production planning) and remain aware of health and safety related feedback from all production-appointed Heads of Department.   


Take advice from specialists in order that properly informed decisions may be made about the safe operation of the whole production.


Ensure organisations or individuals selected to work on the production competent, take part in training, cooperate with contractor vetting and monitoring arrangements.


Ensure that health and safety experience is taken fully into account when the production is crewed.


Ensure that he/she is personally competent in risk assessment techniques.


Ensure the following 

·       The preparation and maintenance of a health and safety file (online record) relevant to their production that includes risk assessments and other records as necessary so they can be easily retrieved by the Head of Production and the Safety Advisor

·       Refer and implement health and safety guidelines where made available to the production by the Company

·       Have an arrangement in place to contact their teams in event of emergency


Ensure that the production is operated under safe and healthy working conditions by completing risk and counter sign risk assessments for all aspects of the production and are sent to the Safety Advisor for approval by the fastest practicable means prior to the activities taking place.


Identify production crew capability and training skill and knowledge as part of contractor management arrangements and by using a variety of sources including the Safety Advisor and professional trade body organisations for example


Maintain contact and dialogue with the Health and Safety Advisor.


Clearly identify who has responsibility for health and safety at the venue, studio or location and temporary electrical supply.


Ensure adequate arrangements are in place to effectively deal with ill health, first aid and fire emergency.


Have the authority to stop the work and take remedial action where a hazard or defect presents a risk to health and safety, particularly where there is danger to life or limb and bring this to the notification of the Head of Production by the fastest practicable means.


Carry out routine monitoring.


Investigate accidents incidents and damage to property plant and equipment in conjunction with the Head of Production and with assistance from the Safety Advisor as appropriate.


Attend a post-production review meeting to debrief the Head of Production and make recommendations for improvement.



2.6  Line Producer and/or Production Manager


The Line Producer and /or the Production Manager support the Producer to implement their responsibilities on a day-to-day basis as they have more local control of the production and may be present on set more frequently.



Ensure that health and safety is taken fully into account when the production is scheduled and crewed, and that there are an adequate number of individuals on the production with up to date health and safety training and instruction.


Ensure that he/she is personally competent in risk assessment techniques.


Ensure as far as reasonably practicable that all persons under his/her control have received adequate instruction to enable them to work safely, protecting themselves, their colleagues, property and plant. This involves circulating copies of risk assessments to all crew members via the call sheet, studio script, circulating health and safety action plans and retaining risk management records. Where appropriate, health and safety inductions may be held for all crew at the outset of production.


Ensure that health and safety is a key subject discussed at all relevant production meetings (particularly during pre-production planning) and implement and monitor the Health and Safety Plan.


Ensure that the production is operated under safe and healthy working conditions by completing risk assessments seeking assistance from the Safety Advisor.


Check that risk assessments have been carried out and that all hazards have been identified and safeguarded against.


Ensure proper instructions and information has been given to any persons likely to work with potentially harmful substances or be affected by them, particularly when any substance is used for special effects.


Read and implement the information sheets / risk control procedures made available.


Ensure effective communication and co-ordination with the person(s) responsible for health and safety at the venue, studio or location throughout the production.


Adhere to the Company’s Competent Contractor arrangements and training requirements and attend a pre- production training / briefing session with the Safety Advisor where required to do so.


Collate and retain (in electrical format on the Company server) health and safety documentation.


Immediately bring to the attention of the Producer, the Safety Advisor and the Head of Production any concerns regarding the health and safety performance of any individual working on the production.


Liaise with the relevant Heads of Department to ensure that safeguards and safe methods of operation are properly used and maintained.


Have the authority to stop the work and take remedial action where a hazard or defect presents a risk to health and safety, particularly where there is danger to life or limb.


Maintain contact and dialogue with the Health and Safety Advisor.


Report all accidents and near misses to the Safety Advisor, irrespective of how minor, and bring serious accidents or incidents to their immediate attention and to the attention of the Producer and the Head of Production.


Investigate accidents and near misses in order to take proper preventative action and ensure as far as possible that circumstances are not repeated.


To ensure first aid cover and emergency equipment in accordance with first aid need assessment is arranged and provided for each production


Ensure that adequate supervision is available at all times, particularly where young (under 18 years of age) or inexperienced workers are concerned, and that all persons are encouraged to act safely and have general awareness of health and safety matters.


Carry out routine monitoring.



2.7  Production Coordinator


The Production Coordinator acts as a health and safety administrator to the Production Manager and/or Line Producer. The role is also to oversee the adherence to the H&S Production Plan and the distribution of health and safety documentation for the production. If there is not a Coordinator allocated to a production, these responsibilities revert to the Production Manager.



Coordinate contractor-vetting arrangements to ensure that all relevant documentation is requested from and received from contractors, and subsequently approved by the Safety Advisor.


Maintain H&S Production records online to ensure that they are completed and up to date.


Ensure that all appropriate risk assessments are requested, completed and approved by the Safety Advisor, then distributed to all necessary persons and retained electronically on the Company server.


Read, implement and distribute as necessary information sheets / risk control procedures that are presented.


Implement and monitor action points as identified in the Health and Safety Plan.


Assist the Production Manager and/or Line Producer in the induction process carried out for all new production staff.


Ensure that all the production personnel who will be ‘resident’ to some extent in the office receive an office induction.


Ensure that the cast and crew are given any relevant information at it relates to health and safety that affects them.



2.8  Location Manager



Ensure that he/she is personally competent in risk assessment techniques.


Ensure that when selecting and determining the suitability of locations for the activities all potential hazards are considered and a location risk assessment completed and approved by the Safety Advisor or other authorised person and sent to the Producer.


Ensure that all communication procedures, rules and arrangements are in place when filming in public places. This may involve liaison with e.g. the Highways Department of the Local Council, Police and other emergency services, local Authority Film Offices, Venue Management etc.


Act as Safety Coordinator on set, in conjunction with the First Assistant Director, and take responsibility for filming conditions on location.


Read and implement information sheets / risk assessment control procedures that are presented by the Safety Advisor.


Keep relevant members of the public fully informed of all filming activities. In particular, neighbours and residents where location vehicles are to be parked in close proximity to their houses, garages etc.


Ensure that safe working practices are adhered to and all crew and artistes are fully aware of the risks associated with the location.


Report to the Producer or Production Manager and/or Line Producer any accidents or near misses, and take part in any investigation with a view to taking preventative measures.


Carry out regular monitoring inspections of the location in order to identify any hazardous situations, and take action as required.


Monitor the working practices of contractors to ensure that they are working in line with the content of their risk assessments and method statements.


Ensure that the appropriate safety equipment and PPE (personal protective equipment) such as hard hats and high visibility jackets are available and in good order, and monitor that they are used at all relevant times as identified during risk assessment or in method statements.


Maintain security on locations and notify the Producer / Line Producer of security breaches or where additional security is required.


Ensure that he/she is personally competent in risk assessment techniques.



2.9  Director (Production)


The Director (Production) has a general responsibility to give health and safety full consideration. In consultation with all other key personnel concerned with the production, the Director will take advice on health and safety matters and give them the same amount of consideration as any other issues.



Throughout the production the Director will, as far as is reasonably practicable, remain aware of the health and safety aspects of the production and ensure that no persons are instructed to work in a manner that incurs an unacceptable risk to health and safety.


Be fully aware of the Health and Safety Policy and the Production Health and Safety Plan.


Read and implement information sheets / risk control procedures that are presented by the Safety Advisor.


Remain aware of the systems and codes of practice that are put into place for the purposes of managing health and safety.


Consult with the Company Safety Advisor in conjunction with the Production Manager or Line Producer in relation to the production risk assessments that have been prepared in order to contribute his/her personal professional expertise, experience and knowledge, or in relation to last minute good ideas / script changes before a shot is taken.


Ensure that health and safety is not compromised in the interests of visual shots or continuity.


Ensure that adequate rehearsal and/or planning time are built into any schedule dependent on the degree of risk, numbers of artistes / crew involved, location constraints etc.


Ensure that he/she is personally competent in risk assessment techniques.



2.10  First Assistant Director


The First AD has the day-to-day task of controlling the set.  He/she is delegated the tasks as set by the Director and will, in the main, have responsibility for the filming conditions and act as Safety Coordinator on set.



Liaise closely with the Location Manager to ensure the chosen locations are safe for the purpose of work.


Give full consideration to health and safety when deciding how each shot is to be set up and recorded.


Be fully aware of the Health and Safety Production Policy, the content of the Production Health and Safety Plan and production related risk assessments.


Read and implement information sheets / risk control procedures that are presented by the Company Safety Advisor and contractors.


Consult with the Company Safety Advisor in conjunction with the Production Manager and/or Line Producer about the production risk assessments that have been prepared in order to contribute his/her personal professional expertise, experience and knowledge.


Consider advice and information given by the Special Effects Supervisor and any other competent individuals (including stunt personnel etc) and ensure that the set is controlled in a manner that adheres to the  Health and Safety Policy and risk assessments.


Not knowingly instruct any person to work in a manner that incurs unacceptable danger and, if in any doubt, report the matter to the Producer/ Production Manager and/or Line Producer.


Ensure adequate health and safety briefings have taken place including audiences, general public, crew at location and studio venues, artistes, extras etc. as applicable.


Ensure that the shooting schedule has addressed all relevant health and safety issues, and that planning and rehearsal time to meet the degree of risk involved has been given full consideration.


Liaise with the Producer/Production Manager and/or Line Producer to ensure all contractors are approved as competent, and that the necessary contractor health and safety documentation and risk assessments have been completed and approved, and that they are familiar with the content of the risk assessments before any activity commences on set.


Monitor health and safety during filming.



2.11  Production Designer


The primary safety role of the Production Designer (Principle Designer / Designer) is to ensure the set design and props meet with current Health and Safety Legislation (including Construction & Design Management Regulations), British Safety Standards and Fire Prevention guidelines.


The Principal Designer’s duties apply regardless of the contractual arrangements for the appointment of other designers and whether or not the project is notifiable to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). If the principal designer appoints other designers, the principal designer is responsible for ensuring that they have the relevant skills, knowledge and experience to deliver their work.



The Principal Designer’s role is to plan, manage and monitor the pre-construction phase, to co-ordinate health and safety. The pre-construction phase is defined as any period during which design or preparatory work is carried out for a project, which may continue during construction.


The Principal Designer must:

        assist the client in identifying, obtaining and collating the pre-construction information

        provide pre-construction information to designers, the principal contractor and contractors

        ensure that designers comply with their duties and co-operate with each other

        liaise with the principal contractor for the duration of the appointment

        prepare the health and safety file


The Principle Designer / Designer must

        understand and be aware of significant risks that workers and users can be exposed to, and how these can arise from their design decisions

        have the right skills, knowledge, and experience, and be adequately resourced to address the health and safety issues likely to be involved in the design

        check that clients are aware of their duties

        co-operate with others who have responsibilities, in particular the principal designer

        take into account the general principles of prevention when carrying out their design work

        provide information about the risks arising from their design

        co-ordinate their work with that of others in order to improve the way in which risks are managed and controlled


Complete a suitable and sufficient design risk assessment that is approved by the Safety Advisor and forwarded to the appropriate persons.


Ensure the Art Director is in compliance with Safety Legislation and understands his/her safety role and responsibilities.


Give particular emphasis to any “period” set dressing, furniture, upholstery, carpets etc. in terms of the fire-retardant properties and toxic smoke effect. Where appropriate, communication is to take place with the Safety Advisor.


Ensure that all chemicals, props, set dressing, special effect etc. which has a requirement under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations are compliant, and that risk information is supplied.


Ensure the relevant personnel at the studio/venue have effective communication with the Safety Advisor and the Producer/Line Producer



2.12  Floor Manager


The Floor Manager will, in the main, have responsibility for studio recording conditions and act as Safety Coordinator on the studio floor, including carrying out an audience safety briefing. He/she must report any concerns immediately to the Producer or Production Manager and/or Line Producer. It is vital that he/she has a good knowledge of the studio emergency procedures and means of escape and can brief the crew accordingly.



Ensure they have effective communication with the Safety Advisor and other relevant persons


Ensure that designated escape routes are kept clear at all times.


Ensure that fire exits and fire points remain accessible at all times.


Ensure that fire exit signs are visible and illuminated.


Ensure that nothing obstructs the operation of fire shutters.


Ensure that all threshold doors are closed.


Ensure that no cables are placed on the floor directly in front of audience access doors.


Ensure that studio stipulations regarding the drinking of water from cups or bottles on the studio floor are respected and adhered to.


Ensure that the audience receives a health and safety briefing prior to recording.



2.13  Audience Coordinator


There are a number of important areas to identify, in terms of health and safety responsibilities, for the Audience Coordinator. The points below relate to staff Audience Coordinators only. Any 3rd party Audience Support Services that are engaged for a production must be approved in line with competent contractor assessment procedures.



Ensure that all audiences have been given a full and informative health and safety briefing by either the Floor Manager or Artiste.  This briefing will include emergency evacuation, medical assistance, overhead cranes, cables, smoking etc.


Ensure that there has been full communication with the venue to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the audience.  This communication should begin as early as is practicable through a studio visit and attendance at production meetings, and should be followed up by correspondence confirming all arrangements.


Ensure that there is adequate medical back up whenever audiences are required in the studio.


Ensure that all Audience Stewards (Ushers) are conspicuously dressed so that they can be easily recognised by members of the audience e.g. wearing a tabard, coloured armband etc.  (Although most venues now supply stewards as part of the hire charge, this does not delegate our health and safety responsibilities for audience safety).


Ensure that there is an adequate ratio of Audience Stewards (ushers) to meet with the demands of the audience (see risk assessment).  Consideration must be given to the requirements of the elderly, persons with special needs, children etc.  This should be discussed at the production-planning meeting and should form part of the generic production risk assessment.


Ensure that full consideration has been given to emergency procedures in respect of fire evacuation exits, assembly points, clearance of fire lanes, audience seating, welfare and wellbeing including provision for disabled persons etc.


Regularly monitor the audience during the production to ensure that all rules regarding eating, drinking, no smoking rule, leaving of coats etc. are being adhered to.





2.14  Production Electrician (Gaffer)


In health and safety terms the Production Gaffer is a vital Head of Department within the production crew.  Gaffers must be up to date with their responsibilities and knowledge, and have sufficient experience in either location and/or studio environments as appropriate.  This will require evidence of competence, knowledge and experience.



Ensure the safe installation of all electrical wiring including lighting circuits.


Ensure the inspection and testing of all portable equipment brought onto the production by contractors, hire companies and crew has been carried out.


Supervise the installation and use of all Residual Current Devices (RCD) used within the production, and in particular to ensure that these devices are operating within their designed parameters e.g. 30-millisecond cut out.


Ensure contractors, e.g. Special Effects Supervisors, Stunt Co-ordinators, lighting, sound are utilising safe systems of work (isolation of supply and insulation of equipment, tools etc.)


Ensure where applicable that the most up to date edition of the Institute of Engineering and Technology Electrical Regulations, relevant Current British Standards e.g. BS 7909 and Guidelines is being referred to for safe installation and working practices.


Ensure when working in a public place that the safety of the public is paramount.  All cables must be ‘safe by position’ so that no equipment is left exposed in such a manner that it can be tampered with. Particular care must be taken when working in the vicinity of children or those with special needs.


Ensure that all stages, towers and rostra that require electrical feeds are earth bonded to protect all persons using electrical equipment from shocks.


Liaise with venues/studio management/owners of domestic premises used as locations to ensure that the correct supply of electricity is available and to establish the maximum load capacity. This will reduce the risk of sudden power failure. The load bearing capacity of lighting grids should also be verified.


Ensure all portable and vehicle generators are being used in the appropriate manner, have all safety devices, RCD, ECB in place and are working to the required standard of efficiency.


Supply lighting risk assessments for approval by the Safety Advisor.


If any lighting equipment is supplied by the Gaffer, CO2, fire extinguishers must also be supplied and AVD extinguisher for battery operated equipment.


Monitor lighting systems to ensure safety bonds are in use, lighting equipment has been PAT tested and the load bearing capacity of the lighting grids are not exceeded.



2.15  All Employees


Everyone at work must take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others affected by what they do or do not do.



Co-operate with instruction to ensure that safe and healthy working practices and workplace are maintained.


Report promptly to their direct supervisor and the Safety Advisor, as appropriate, any hazardous situation, defect, accident or near miss.


Make full and proper use of any protective equipment or any other equipment with a health and safety function, and keep such equipment in good order.


Make proper use of the washing facilities and eating and drinking facilities provided so as to ensure high standards of personal hygiene where hazardous substances put personnel at risk.


Act responsibly at all times.


Co-operate with Company efforts the implementation and observation of all statutory requirements placed upon it.


Observe the duty not to misuse or interfere with anything provided in the interests of health and safety.


Individual employees are responsible for co-operating with management to meet the requirements of these arrangements.  They must swiftly bring to their immediate manager's attention any weaknesses in these arrangements so that additional control action can be implemented.



2.16  All Self – Employed Persons



To take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that they themselves are not put at risk, and that others who may be affected by their actions are likewise not put at risk.


With respect to the legal regulations that require employers to protect their employees from risk, the same types of regulations apply to the self-employed, requiring them to protect themselves and others.  These legal duties apply whether or not people accept and choose to comply with this policy.


To make proper consideration of health and safety before embarking upon any work, and will take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others at all times.


Not to intentionally or recklessly interfere with anything provided in the interests of health and safety.


Adhere to specific legal requirements, such as assessing and adequately controlling risks to health before work commences.


To give information about the health and safety aspects of their work to any person who might be affected by that work.



2.17  Contractors



Have their own health and safety policy. However, for those companies who employ fewer than 5 it is acknowledged that this policy does not have to be written or recorded. Contractors however must, as Employers, keep to the “spirit and intention” of a policy and still have a legal duty to comply with all Health and Safety legislation as set out in the policy statement of this document.


Contractors, as Employers, must also assess and control any risks they create, and to inform all the other Companies with whom they share the work place what control measures they are adopting to minimise the risk of injury to other personnel. These assessments must be recorded if the Contractor employs more than 5 Employees.


To inform their Employees about risks to which they might be exposed when sharing the work place with them before work activities commence.


Use their own tools and equipment (where practical) that are fit for their intended purpose and used in a safe manner.


To assess the competency of and manage sub-contractors under their control.


To monitor so far as is reasonably practicable the work activities of both their own employees and those sub- contractors under their control and remain generally aware of their health and safety performance.


To report accidents incidents and near misses to the Company in writing on an Accident Report Form.


To put into place supervision and monitoring arrangements for work carried out.


Principle Contractor Responsibilities

Principle Contractors plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety in the construction phase of a project. This includes:

  • liaising with the client and principal designer
  • preparing the construction phase plan - A form is available free from the CITB
  • organising cooperation between contractors and coordinating their work.



  • suitable site inductions are provided;
  • reasonable steps are taken to prevent unauthorised access;
  • workers are consulted and engaged in securing their health and safety; and
  • welfare facilities are provided



3.0         H&S Structure chart





































* Note, the number and variety of roles will vary from production to production






















4.0         Health and Safety Management Arrangements


The arrangements below are supported by guidelines   


4.1  Accident, Near Miss Investigation & RIDDOR Reporting


An accident is an unplanned event leading to ill health or injury.


All reports are confidential and the Open Mike Productions Ltd GDPR and the Privacy Policy apply. This includes  injuries received by members of the public, visitors and employees.


All otherwise unrecognised hazards, sometimes illustrated by “near misses” and damage, will be similarly reported to the office.


Accidents or incidents no matter how minor are to be reported as soon as possible in writing to the Head of Production and Producer (production) or the Office Manager (for office related accidents and incidents), by phone or by email and then recorded in writing on an Accident Report Form (HSE Accident Book BI 510 2018 GDPR compliant Edition) and the Form removed and sent to the office. The Producer, Head of Production, Office Manager as appropriate will notify the Safety Advisor as appropriate.


Following report accidents incidents and damage to property plant and equipment and investigation will be made to by the Producer, Head of Production, Office Manager, who obtain assistance from the Safety Advisor as appropriate. The objective of accident investigation is to establish the underlying root causes and to identify actions that should prevent or significantly reduce the risk of a recurrence.  Senior Managers shall become actively involved in the investigation of serious or high-profile accidents. 


The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)


RIDDOR places a requirement on the ‘Responsible Person’ to report certain serious workplace accidents, occupational diseases and specified dangerous occurrences to the Enforcement Authority.


Responsible Person


Employee at Work – Employer to make the report

Contractor at Work – Employer to make the report

Self Employed Working in Premises Other than own Home – Person in Control of Premises

Self Employed Working at Home – Self- Employed Person

Self Employed Agency Worker – Host Employer

Agency Worker – Agency Worker Employer

Gas Related Incidents – Gas Safe Registered Engineer

School Pupil Work Experience – School


RIDDOR Reporting


Fatal and Specified injuries only are to be reported by phone by the Safety Advisor  by calling the Incident Contact Centre on 0345 300 9923 (opening hours Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5 pm)


·       Fatal injuries - (Call police and ambulance first on 999)


·       Specified Injuries -  as listed below:


·       Over 7 Day Injuries


Over-seven-day injuries to workers This is where an employee, or self-employed person, is away from work or unable to perform their normal work duties for more than seven consecutive days (not counting the day of the accident).


·       Injuries to Non-Workers (Public)


Work-related accidents involving members of the public or people who are not at work must be reported if a person is injured, and is taken from the scene of the accident to hospital for treatment to that injury. There is no requirement to establish what hospital treatment was actually provided, and no need to report incidents where people are taken to hospital purely as a precaution when no injury is apparent. If the accident occurred at a hospital, the report only needs to be made if the injury is a ‘specified injury’


·       Reportable Occupational Diseases


Employers and self-employed people must report diagnoses of certain occupational diseases, where these are likely to have been caused or made worse by their work.


o   Carpal tunnel syndrome

o   Severe cramp of the hand or forearm

o   Tendonitis or tenosynovitis of the hand or forearm

o   Occupational dermatitis

o   Hand-arm vibration syndrome

o   Occupational asthma

o   Any occupational cancer

o   Any disease attributed to occupational exposure to a biological agent


·       Dangerous Occurrence - including:


·       Exemptions – Road Traffic Accidents


Road traffic accidents unless the accident involved death or injuries that result from



Under the RIDDOR Regulations the company is required to keep a record of incidents, dangerous occurrence, disease, 7+ day injury for inspection by visiting officers.  The record made on the Accident Form (book) will be sufficient.






4.2  Arrangements for Planning and Implementing Policy



4.2.1    Strategic Planning


It is the delegated responsibility of the Head of Production and the Office Manager on behalf of the Managing Director to develop and install the safety management system, using the Safety Advisor as the company’s source of health and safety advice support guidance and assistance.


The H&S requirements come from a number of main areas:

·       instruction and information from the Head of Production

·       information guidance and instruction received from the Safety Advisor.

·       strategic objectives that need to be implemented as they relate to health and safety

·       regulatory and other external requirements

·       sector and industry associations and periodicals

·       health and safety hazards within company control/identified by others as affecting work activity


The H&S requirements are identified by:

·       regular H&S inspections monitoring and audits

·       risk assessments

·       legislation

·       information and instruction received internally/externally



4.2.2    Production Planning


It is the responsibility of the Producer to develop install and monitor a Production Plan. The Production Plan Checklist (See Annex 1) has been developed to assist with this.


The H&S Production planning and resource requirements are identified by:

·     The Production Plan Checklist (See Annex 1)

·     Information for Commissioners

·     The script / treatments and feedback from the Safety Advisor

·     Tech recces

·     Competency of crew and people involved in the production

·     Specialist input

·     Risk Assessments

·     Emergency response requirements

·     Legislation

·     Monitoring inspections and site visits



4.3  Communication


Supervisory managers are responsible for the provision of adequate information to employees. If employees are concerned that the information they receive is inadequate to maintain their own and others safety, it is their duty to inform their supervisory manager accordingly. Similarly, employees are expected to take reasonable steps to familiarise themselves with published information and to take notice of it.


Confidential information to be communication is managed and retained through the Open Mike Productions GDPR and Privacy Policy.


Information relating to health, safety and the environment is conveyed to employees and others who may be affected, in one or more of the following ways:


·     Information within call sheets

·     risk assessments

·     email to individuals

·     safety briefings

·     notices on notice boards

·     signage

·     access to guidelines

·     distribution of newsletters and reports


Emergency Communication


The company recognises the need to communicate with its fluctuating workforce 24/7 in event of emergency. In an emergency situation the following methods will be utilised by the company to keep people informed.



4.4  Competence


Competence is generally accepted as the ability to apply practically a mix of knowledge, skills, experience or other qualities to a particular task. An individual should be sufficiently competent to not only carry out the routine task, but to be able to cope with unexpected changes and/or situations that may arise.


It is not appropriate just to rely on the assumption that someone is capable of carrying out a task because it is perceived to be just 'common sense'.


The company recognises that it is duty bound to determine the levels of competence held by making reasonable enquiries of individuals.


This may take the form of ­:



Competent Health and Safety Advisor 


The Company recognises its obligation under The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations to offer access to competent health and safety assistance to help with compliance of relevant statutory provisions. A professional company has been appointed and the Health and Safety Practitioners hold full Chartered membership of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (CMIOSH).



4.4.1    Capabilities and Training


To comply with the law, the workforce including senior executives, crew, contractors etc. need to have the skills, knowledge and experience to carry out their duties safely.


Capabilities, of people are taken into account and assessed by the Head of Production and the Producers as necessary and where necessary updated to ensure the demands of the job do not exceed their ability of individuals to do the work without risk to themselves or others.


Everyone requires’ adequate health and safety training. Training helps people gain the skills and knowledge, and ultimately the competence, to carry out their work safely and without risk to their health.


The company recognises training isn’t just about formal ‘classroom’ courses – and is delivered in a number of ways:


·       Informal ‘on the job’ training

·       Written instructions

·       Online information

·       Simply telling someone what to do


All staff will receive induction training upon recruitment.  Where appropriate members of staff will receive training and instruction in some or all of the following categories:


·       This Health and Safety Policy

·       Fire and Emergency Evacuation Arrangements

·       Risk Assessment Control Methods

·       Accident and Investigation Reporting Procedures

·       First Aid


The Head of Production and Producers will identify production crew capability and training skill and knowledge as part of contractor management arrangements and by using a variety of sources and professional trade body organisations for example:



*Passport training is valid for 5 years


Information on all training courses attended and job training must be given to the Head of Production and / or Producers who will keep and retain records and certificates digitally on the server in the Health and Safety file.



4.5  Co-Operation and Consultation




Topics of general concern wherever a workplace is shared e.g. company office premises, studio, location etc. that would require cooperation and cooperation with other employers and self-employed people would include:





At present and due to the current size of the company, consultation with employees is achieved by inclusion in management and team meetings and on a one-to-one basis.


In the anticipation of growth and expansion of the company and where the need arises a more formalised committee will be established.


4.6  Disciplinary Procedure


Employees who refuse to co-operate with safety management may become subject to the escalating process of verbal and written warnings.  Such action might be triggered by, for instance, refusal to follow safe operating procedures, refusal to wear personal protective equipment, refusal to conduct risk assessments, etc. 


Similar action may be taken against staff who act with a significant lack of care for the safety of others or themselves.


Extreme cases, such as dangerous behaviour, transparently inadequate risk assessment, ordering others to act in a dangerous fashion, etc, may even lead to dismissal.


4.7  Document and Data Management


The Open Mike Productions Ltd GDPR Policy and the Privacy Policy identifies the arrangements in place for document and data management and communicated to staff as part of Induction.


Open Mike Productions Ltd use the HSE BI 501 2018 Edition GDPR compliant version to record accidents.  RIDDOR reports are made through the HSE website and comply with a formal document request under the Health and Safety at Work Act.


Accident investigation reports are likely to include personal data and consideration is given if data can be removed before any report is circulated or provided to the insurer. The reports are disseminated with care and recipients should be reminded to treat it appropriately and destroy it when no longer required.


4.7.1    Health and Safety Documentation Storage Limitation


The table below is a non-exhaustive list of suggested retention periods for common types of personal data held as it relates to occupational health and safety. Although personal data may be held for longer periods, sufficient justification for doing so (such as an ongoing criminal prosecution) is required.


Record Type

Suggested Retention Period


Sickness records

Longer term or recurring absences relating to a specific condition: Four years from end of employment


Annual appraisal, assessment or training records

Three years from date of appraisal / assessment / training or one year from end of employment

This is assuming that appraisals/assessments do not contain any details of training/skills requirements that are mandatory and/or need to be kept longer.

Records relating to disciplinary matters

One year from end of employment


Records relating to accidents or injury at work

Four years from end of employment


Death benefit nomination and revocation forms

During employment or up to seven years after payment of benefit



Appropriate retention policy for emails to be discussed with input from IT, Information Security, Risk/Compliance as well as HR

This will involve commercial as well as legal considerations, depending on the nature of your business. We would recommend that specific advice be sought in relation to email retention

Accident books

Three years from the last date of entry


Records relating to medical information, including mental health, weight or allergies

Appropriate retention period will depend on the information required to ensure the health and safety of employees. Health Information that is excessive, irrelevant or out of date should not be retained

Medical records complied by a doctor or nurse are confidential and should not be disclosed without consent of the individual, information on fitness to work may be disclosed

Health records

40 years from the date of last entry



4.8  Health Surveillance and Promotion


Where it improves general or individual health without undue imposition on the individual, appropriate programmes of health surveillance will be instituted or in the event of serious exposure e.g. asbestos that requires a program of health surveillance to be initiated.  Health checks will be managed by external consultants.  These consultants will report to the Managing Director. The consultants will only provide information on identifiable individuals where each individual has provided written consent.


Individual information on fitness to participate is also determined as part of production planning.



4.9  Insurance


Employer Liability Insurance certificates are to be displayed in the office and sub production offices where these have been set up, and will be retained for 40 years.


The Producer will ensure that insurance policies have been set in place to provide the required cover for Employer’s liability, Occupier’s liability, Motor Vehicles, Fire and Theft and Travel for productions.


Commercial protection (i.e. Producer’s indemnity, film footage insurance etc.) should also be considered.



4.10  Monitoring


Regular checks are made to ensure the company is managing risks and identify ways to make improvements and give early warning of difficulties.


The various active monitoring activities include:



The various reactive monitoring activities include:




4.11  Review


Safety arrangements are reviewed to confirm this health and safety policy is current and valid and the arrangements for managing safety and risk assessments are effective, in event of change or if new information comes to light.  This achieved through written notification to and/or meetings e.g. Production de-briefing and/or conversations held between any of the following as necessary:


·    Managing Director

·    The Head of Production

·    Producer

·    Line Producers / Production Managers

·    Office Manager

·    The Safety Advisor


4.12  Risk Assessment


Risk Assessments will be carried out by the Producer using the Risk Assessment Guideline (Annex 2), the Safety Advisor, or by other competent person/s.



4.13  Supervision


Anyone who is not competent (to undertake whatever task) will be adequately supervised until such time as they become competent. 


The following individuals, tasks and or situations have been identified as requiring a higher level of supervision than normal:

·       New workers / those who are learning (an old hand may be new to a task or situation).

·       As determined by a relevant risk assessment.

·       Lone Workers.

·       Pregnant Workers and Nursing Mothers.

·       Children

·       Young Persons.

·       Individuals who have been involved in an accident / incident.

·       Disabled workers.

·       Individuals returning from a long sickness absence

















5.0         A-Z of Hazards and Risk Control Measures


Risk control measures are supplemented with guidelines where relevant and sourced from e.g.


·       Trade and Professional Organisations

·       Local Authorities

·       The Safety Advisor

·       Regulatory Bodies


5.1  Alcohol


Whilst there is not a ban on alcohol being brought onto the premises, the Company maintains the right to ensure that no staff member may be allowed to work, or remain at work, if they appear to be under the influence of any alcohol. No person required to be operating any work equipment may do so if they have consumed alcohol 10 hours or less prior to commencement of work.


Those driving on company business must not drive after having consumed any alcohol.


Employees with specific alcohol related problems are encouraged to notify the Managing Director in confidence to access counselling and support.



5.2   Animals


Producer will seek advice and instruction on the arrangements and controls necessary from the Safety Advisor and align to the current standards guidelines such as:


·       Guidelines for the Welfare of Performing Animals – RSPCA (who also provide an animal welfare advisory service tailored to specific productions, including script review, animal welfare risk assessments and ongoing on-set attendance T 0300 123 8787)

·       PAWSI Code Guidelines

·       Local Authority Animal Welfare Charters and Guidelines for Animals at Events – Check with the Film Office


Licences and Registration Certificates


·       CITES Article 10 Certificates for Birds (Safety Advisor will advise) - CITES, which stands for the ‘Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora’ is a treaty that prevents wildlife from exploitation, and many exotic and domestic animals are listed here.  The Producer needs to confirm that the supplier of animals has found out whether the species is on the CITES treaty and if they are that the relevant paper work has been completed. – i.e. CITES appendix 1 animals are micro-chipped and have article 10 licences, which permits them to be used for commercial purposes

·       Exotic animal kept in cage – Expert Handler e.g. Pet Shop Licence

·       Special licences are required for Animal Gatherings for cloven footed livestock transportation and movement



Licence Conditions


Prescribed conditions must be attached to each licence, including general conditions and relevant specific conditions. The general conditions cover:


·       Licence display

·       Records

·       Use number and type of animal

·       Staffing

·       Suitable environment

·       Suitable diet

·       Monitoring of behaviour and training of animals

·       Animal handling and interactions

·       Protection from pain suffering injury and disease

·       Emergencies


The relevant specific conditions vary from activity to activity, and further detail such things as the particular records to be kept and the welfare requirements for different types of animals.


Competency and Sourcing Animals


The Producer will ensure:

·       A safety briefing takes place

·       Hygiene levels maintained

·       The animal is trained to meet the production requirements

·       The animal is accompanied and supplied by a competent handler / known industry supplier or owner unless the risk is negligible after discussion with the Safety Advisor.

·       Appropriate first aid provision

·       Personal protective equipment is supplied

·       Animal welfare


The Producer must ensure the animal is trained to meet the production requirements and take hazards into account such as:


Risk Assessment and Insurance


In all cases the handler / supplier/ trainer is required to provide a risk assessment for the Producer to supplement the production risk assessment and have appropriate professional indemnity insurance/ public liability insurance in case the animal were to cause harm to anyone.

It is vital that all the correct documentation is accounted for, as some suppliers might only have one and not the other.


5.3  Asbestos


Buildings in the UK of a certain age may contain some Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) in the fabric of the building as a reinforcing fibre in many plastics, and as an engineering product in applications such as boiler gaskets and brake linings.


When Asbestos is mixed into concrete, bitumen, plastic the fibre and the materials are in good condition, the risk is low risk because it is enclosed unless it is cut, broken, damaged, sanded, exposed to extreme heat or explosion.

If Asbestos, fibre is released, become airborne and inhaled as dust it can cause Asbestosis, Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma.


Consequently, there are strict legal controls over work with asbestos and in the UK the manager of a building must survey the building and have an asbestos register identifying type condition and whereabouts and a plan for managing and monitoring its condition. Asbestos can be removed, enclosed and signs used to indicate its whereabouts.


Although the legal duty does not apply to domestic premises such as private houses, it does apply to the ‘common parts’ of multi-occupancy domestic premises, such as purpose-built flats or houses that are converted into flats. However legal duty would also apply if filming takes place in a domestic dwelling.


Strict controls apply to its removal and only licenced contractors are permitted to carry out this task under carefully controlled conditions.


Any suspected exposure to asbestos will be reported as an accident/incident and investigated by the Safety Advisor. Exposure to asbestos is reportable under RIDDOR when a work activity causes the accidental release or escape of asbestos fibres into the air in a quantity sufficient to cause damage to the health of any person. Such situations are likely to arise when work is carried out without suitable controls, or where those controls fail.




The Building Manager is responsible for the management of asbestos and they along with the Office Manager ensure that, as appropriate, contractors who are appointed are provided with suitable information about the location and condition of asbestos before they start work.


Staff will be advised of the whereabouts of asbestos wherever known to be present, and what to do to avoid disturbing it as part of Induction Training by the Office Manager. No member of staff may work with asbestos.




Before taking on a location, it should be ascertained that the buildings to be occupied by the production was constructed after 2000 or if not has an Asbestos Management Register. However, buildings constructed after 2000 may have older buildings attached and it must be ascertained that those areas must have had a survey carried out and are included on the Register.


It is assumed that all buildings pre 1980 has asbestos content. The general condition of the building would be a guide to the risk.

The following rules apply:

·       Obtain information about the presence of asbestos from the building manager / owner

·       Obtain a copy of Asbestos Register

·       Identify work activity where disturbance of asbestos is likely – routing cables, entering into roof voids, drilling into walls, accessing plant rooms, removing fire doors

·       Plan communicate coordinate and agree with the team work activity so disturbance of asbestos is avoided – kicking, picking up turning over, removing asbestos tiles, demolition, drilling into, leaning against ACM, or  causing damage by vehicle movement

·       If there is asbestos on the location, there must be an Assessment of the risk it presents to production staff given the work of the production.  Consult the Health and Safety Adviser for advice.

·       If the Assessment concludes the risks are too high, the location is not to be used unless the Asbestos is dealt with (expensive and time consuming) or the work is re-designed to reduce the risks.

·       Where the risks are manageable, suitable and sufficient information and instruction (written and verbal) must be given to everyone who needs to know.  This will include labelling, plans, diagrams, photographs, etc.

·       Should an assessment identify the presence of asbestos in the building(s) then no cable running or other ‘penetrative work may be undertaken in those areas where asbestos is present.


Emergency Arrangements


·       Any member of a production team accidentally exposed to asbestos should be offered medical advice / reassurance from a Health Professional



5.4  Audiences / Public


Adequate arrangements are made for the welfare and health and safety of audiences and any member of the public who may be affected by a production. These arrangements include supervision, communication systems, emergency procedures and protection from effects.   


The Floor Manager will give a health and safety information briefing to the audience as per the roles and responsibilities section in this policy.



5.5  Catering & Food Hygiene


All catering contractors or home economists, other than those only providing low risk light refreshments (tea, coffee, wine, biscuits, crisps etc.) supplying the company will be safety-vetted and sourced from the PACT Approved Contractor list in the first instance.


Any person involved with a production with a food allergy is to be made known to the Producer and the Safety Advisor notified for advice.


Where food is prepared as part of production for consumption the Food Safety & Hygiene (England) Regulations will apply and the production risk assessment will identify the risk controls. Registration with the Local Authority as a Food Operator may be necessary and advice to be sought by the Producer from the Safety Advisor at the pre-production planning stage.


Art department staff responsible for heating serve prop food for display use or consumption must be trained to a minimum of Level 2 Food Hygiene. On line courses that are City and Guilds approved with CDP points are acceptable.



5.6  Children


The Open Mike Child Protection Policy (as aligned to PACT Child Protection Policy and the Production align child performance standards to ‘Examples of Best Practice – Child Performance and Activities Licensing by Local Authorities in England – February 2015’) must be referred to and implemented in all cases in addition to the rules below


Behaviour - Whilst it is important to reassure a child who may be nervous anxious stressed tired and is reliant on guidance. The following is to be avoided and not permitted

·       Over familiarity

·       Horseplay

·       Antisocial behaviour and swearing (which may cause embarrassment or fear)

·       Smoking in the presence of a child

·       Any activity that involves the risk of psychological or physical harm

·       Working beyond recommended timeframes

·       Unaccompanied by an adult

·       Wandering into areas that are unauthorised

·       Modesty must not be compromised

·       Technical terminology or jargon that can’t be understood

·       Exposed to substances hazardous to health

·       Use or have access to dangerous props and equipment

·       Working with and operating dangerous machines and catering equipment.

·       Lifting excessive weights

·       Handling devices containing explosives – (including fireworks).

·       Cleaning machinery in motion.

·       Working with fierce or poisonous animals.


Reference should also be made to The British Psychology Society best current practice; Psychology and Media Productions: Guidance for Commissioners and Producers; tel 0116 252 9500

o   Disclosure – Those placed immediately in charge of or have access to the child must have a current disclosure and barring check carried out. A check from another employer is not acceptable

o   Occasionally young people may disclose confidential information to a staff / crew that gives rise to concern for their physical or emotional safety.  In such situations this must be notified to the Producer / Head of Production in confidence.
Disqualification - Employers are required by law to protect children from harm and that any of their employees are required, under by law, to declare that they are disqualified from working with children.

o   Environment - Where possible adults should avoid being on their own in an isolated or closed environment with a child

o   First Aid and Fire – Emergency fire and first aid arrangements and emergency response must accommodate the needs of children

o   Licence – A child performer’s licence to be obtained in advance within the specified timeframe

o   Mentor - Those placed immediately in charge of children should be competent in their work-role, mature in their attitudes, and yet, at the same time, be at ease with them.

o   Social Media - Children may be the subject of unwanted social media attention – cyber bullying, internet grooming, bullying by peers and uncontrolled circulation of images or personal data and this is to be controlled

o   Touch - There may be occasions when there is a need to touch a young person (e.g. When guiding them in carrying out a technical operation or action) but these should be kept to a minimum.

o   Travel - Ensure that there is a known destination and check-in times with a third party in situations where a child will be travelling alone with an adult during the production.  It is a good idea to make available a mobile phone (or equivalent) in such situations.

o   Welfare - Children must have separate green room, changing, toilet facilities and access to a supervised play area. Welfare arrangements must extend to food allergies catering weather wardrobe and a lost child



5.7  COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health)


This does not cover fire or explosive hazards.


Cleaning contractors have been appointed by Open Mike Productions Ltd for office cleaning activities as overseen by the Office Manager and low risk household products are used. The chemical storage cupboards are to be kept locked. Where strong chemical is used with a warning label it an assessment is carried out.


Before any activity involving significant exposure to a substance hazardous to health begins, there must be a specific Assessment of the risks and, where chemicals and exposure to substances are involved, a trained assessor must undertake the assessment and levels of exposure will be minimised.


A Substance Hazardous to Health may be a chemical in a container with a warning label, or it may be:


If personal protective equipment is required, the assessment must include a PPE assessment. 


Any exposed person who develops symptoms that could be due to the substance will withdraw from exposure and seek medical advice.  In the case of serious symptoms (breathing difficulty, narcosis, etc) such advice will be sought without delay and appropriate medical advice is sought.



5.8  Confined Spaces


A confined space is any enclosed area that is restricted in terms of access and may be underground, dark or subject to collapse, entrapment or oxygen deficiencies will be treated as a confined space. 


A Permit to Work will be secured before work commences.


When working in confined spaces the Producer is required to ensure a pre-entry risk assessment and testing for adequate oxygen is carried out.  In addition to a suitable rescue plan, training for the persons working in the confined space and a safe system of working for the activity should be implemented prior to entry.


5.9  Construction Design and Management


The Construction Design and Management Regulations require ALL construction projects including installation, build, dismantling, demolition  to be planned and executed by competent persons and with due regard for the health, safety and welfare of everyone involved. The Safety Advisor will be called upon to give advice and guidance as necessary e.g. make notification to the HSE, monitor the project on behalf of the company etc.


Health and Safety Executive Notifiable Projects


Projects that are “Notifiable” to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) under the Construction (Design Management) (CDM) Regulations 2015 are projects that require more than 30 days and 20> people employed simultaneously at any point in the project, or 500-person days of construction work. 


Non Notifiable Projects


Where the project is not “Notifiable” to the HSE, the work including works undertaken in domestic dwelling such as the installation of a kitchen, is still subject to the requirements of the CDM Regulations.


The following rules apply to all projects whether notifiable or not.


Step 1


Step 2

Projects involving more than one contractor (domestic or non-domestic):

·       Must follow Step 1 plus:  

·       A principal designer and principal contractor must be appointed

·       A health and safety file*


* The health and safety file is a record of information which is required to inform persons who may be involved in the future maintenance, repair, alteration or demolition / removal of the structure of the key health and safety risks that will have to be managed.  Any alterations to the building / structure and its support systems will be recorded in the file.


Step 3

If work is scheduled to: